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Tomorrowland Innovation Academies


The schools that are under this proposal, will count with an early intervention model that will respond to individual needs of each student based a Literacy and STEAM approach. With the implementation of the multidisciplinary early intervention model, "Project Success", avoids dropping out of school and prevents future problems by offering an educational program that responds to their needs individually.


Our mission is to support and guide students in learning to explore new alternatives, understand causes and effects, explore different solutions to problems, and accept responsibility for their learning through collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity.  Our vision is to have a school culture of collaboration and respect, where the student competes with himself and understands that he is capable of achieving things that he never imagined and the teacher is the guide for the student to have constant innovative learning.


Tomorrowland Innovation Academy is a network of schools that promotes creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and the overall well-being of each student.



 The Rural Community of La Torre de Barranquitas Sector, for more than fifty years has received educational services in its rural public school. During the last ten (10) years the school has demonstrated to achieve academic excellence, evidenced by the results of the Puerto Rican Tests and the METAS-PR Tests, being consistently recognized.  It is currently in disuse.


The Micaela Escudero School comprises the grades of kindergarten through fifth grade and is located in the Cantera neighborhood of the municipality of Manatí. This municipality has a population of approximately 44,113 people. According to the American Fact Finder 56.7% of children under 18 years of age are under the poverty line. 61.8% of the population aged 25 and over have less than a fourth year of schooling and only 22.4% are employed.  It is currently in disuse.


Our school's philosophy is truly transformative with a comprehensive, yet achievable vision.  It takes into consideration all stakeholders: the student as the center and reason for being, the teacher as the transforming agent, the parent and/or guardian in charge as a partner in the educational process, and the third sector as an important collaborator of the extended school community.  The gallery presents moments of joy, learning and integration of activities.



Paseo de las Atenas #77

Manatí, Puerto Rico phone: 787.884.8444

fax: 787.915.7697


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